Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Mistake and the D word

Talk about mistaken identity!

Was at Orchard yesterday when I mistook someone else as my sister. Really embarassing situation. Especially since the person was a guy with long hair.

This mirrors an incident that happened a couple of months back when I mistook someone else for Galvin. The person I did not intend to contract with was a Caucasian man with a haircut that was similar to Galv's. Worse, I actually said something instead of simply mumbling an apology. If I don't recall wrongly, what I said was,

"Eh? How come you're ang moh?!"

Or some other question with no simple answer.

One of my 897,546 New Year Resolutions for 2007 is to avoid subjecting myself to similar incidents of public ignominy in the future. Such incidents seem to occur with alarming regularity, especially at the most inconvenient times (e.g. when I'm busting my veins trying to portray myself as the suave, uber-cool hybrid offspring of George Clooney, Rain and William Shakespeare in front of some random girl in a public place.)

Recently, I was strolling around VivoCity when a kid's stupid balloon burst. My friend insisted that I had, quote and unquote, "screamed like a girl", even though the only thing I recalled doing was drawing a sharp intake of breath. Having said that, I admit that I may have let loose a minor expression of surprise while inhaling. After all, a sound similar to a TIME BOMB GOING OFF is the last thing you would expect in a family mall. Luckily, the occasion did not require me to apply what I learnt during BMT...

Oh well, we all have our weak moments...

And moments when we feel that we are getting old...

Like last night, when I was having dinner with Junyi. You know you've grown up when your dinner time discourse revolves around gender issues and financial management. After spending considerable amounts of time debating and distilling the issues involved in these extremely broad topics, we emerged triumphant with two brilliant hypothesises (is this the plural of hypothesis?)

1) There are a lot of Chio bus in Orchard.

2) We are short of money.

Sometimes, it takes much thought and analysis to come to a simple and logical conclusion. Anyway, I think the both of us are really getting old lor. Especially me. Because I keep on repeating what I have already said. It's a bad habit lar. It stems from my belief that the more you say something, the more likely the other person will agree just to satisfy you and stop you from repeating what you have previously stated n times...Not too sure this would work in court though.

Actually, there were really alot of chio bus in Orchard (Here I go again!). Unfortunately, most of them were either too young or were walking with their boyfriends. Junyi claimed that he saw this damn sexy babe at Wisma...

Who was talking to her friend about her O level results.

Gosh...O levels...that's young enough to be my...erm, sister la! Even my sister is not that young. Or maybe I'm just getting old (got to make a conscious effort not to repeat used points). On the issue of boyfriends, there is an age-old adage,

"even if there's a goalkeeper, that does not mean you cannot score!"

Or in the warped logic of an ex-army buddy,

"stead can break, married can divorce!" (sounds like iambic pentameter to me)

Maybe that's what's eating Britney Spears these days! The D word.


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